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Title: Debtor Carry (Mads Markvart Kjær), Title: Interest-Rates and the Differential Pricing of Treasury Option (Jorge Hansen)
Title: An orthogonal expansions approach to joint SPX and VIX calibration in the SVJJ model
Title: A simple estimate for TIPS liquidity risk
Titles: "Anomaly demand" by Anders Merrild Posselt and "Manipulative overconfidence and the cost of unbiased
reporting" by Nikolaj Niebuhr Lambertsen
Title: Love thy neighbor: CEO extraversion and corporate acquisitions
Title: Extended review: An alternative to audit for SMEs?
Titles: "The Effect of Self-Control and Financial Literacy on Impulsive Borrowing" by Antonia Grohmann and "How Fat are the Fingers? Investor Mistakes…
Title: The Stock Market Impact of Volatility Hedging: Evidence from End-of-Day Trading by VIX ETPs
Title: The impact of curve-fitting procedure on estimation and testing of term structure models
Title: Credit Spreads, Dividend Growth, and Equity Yields
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