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Title: The differential effect of managerial biases on corporate payout policies
Title: Exploiting Overconfidence: Optimal contracts with Heterogeneous Beliefs
Title: I (don’t) care about your belief: Managerial Overoptimism and Discretionary Disclosure
Title: Long-term Impacts of Immigration on House Prices
Titles: Currency Imbalances in Global Banks and the Dollar by Mads Markvart Kjær and Peer Effects in Stock Trading: the Effect of Co-workers, Family,…
Title: Uncertainty in identification and pricing of green bonds
Title: How does subordinated debt affect the cost of capital for banks?
Titles: Robust hedging of terminal wealth under interest rate risk with the constraint approach by Lieske Coumans and Fresh Air Eases Work – The…
Title: When financial advice leads to positive performance: Evidence from repeated client-advisor interactions
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