Additional databases


Børsen allows access to their article database, as well as company data.

Contents of the database:

  • Article database (back to 1996)
  • Company statements and general info.

Børsen can be accessed at

Note that access is automatic while inside campus. To access the database from another location, login via Statsbiblioteket.

Open access data

Links to different types of databases, which are all publicly available, across different topics are listed below. The links may help students find data for their Master’s thesis and other projects. 


Orbis is a database with access to detailed data on 50+ million international companies.

Contents of the Orbis database:

  • Financial Statements
  • Ownership Structure
  • Mergers & Acquisitions  

Orbis can be accessed at

Orbis M&A

Orbis M&A has five years of global coverage and includes 500 000 deals involving worldwide companies. Up to 100 000 new deals are added per year. It includes detailed financial company information and is related to the Orbis database.

Contents of the Orbis M&A database:

  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • IPOs
  • Venture Capital

Orbis M&A can be accessed at