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Title: Narrative Persuasion
Title: Bluffing in Charitable Giving – An Experiment on Indirect Signaling
Title: Might as Well Jump? The Role of (Round) Jump Bids in Auctions
Title: How Does Different Grading Policies/Ranking Mechanisms for Selection into College Affect the Allocation of Talent in Society?
Title: The Role of Non-Cognitive Skills
Title: Unintended Consequences: Ambiguous Welfare Effects when the Policymaker is Unaware
Title: Introduction (approx. 30 minutes)
Title: Social, Demographic, and Psychological Correlates of Lying Aversion
Title: Learning to be Overprecise
Titles: The Effect of Financial Training in a Flexible Loan System (Antonia)
Explicit Gender Discrimination (Nickolas)
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