Study administrators

Study administrators for the study programmes at the Department of Economics and Business Economics

Study administration:

  • HA/BScB Finance
  • CM/MSc Finance
  • CM/MSc Finance and International Business
  • Data Science - Bachelor's projects and Master's theses
  • Mathematics-Economics (MatØk) - Bachelor's projects and Master's theses
  • HD - supplementary course: Finance
  • Language revision

Berit Hansen

Study Administrator

Study administration:

  • HD, 1st part – ECON courses
  • CM/MSc International Economic Consulting
  • Support to the head of secretariat
  • Support to the deputy head of department and head of MSc programmes
  • Language revision

Annia Hoffmeyer

Study Administrative Coordinator

Study administration:

  • HA/BScB Econometrics and Business Statistics
  • CM/MSc Business Intelligence
  • CM/MSc Operations and Supply Chain Analytics
  • Language revision

Gitte Isager

Study Administrator

Study administration:

  • BSc Economics (Oecon)
  • BSc Public Policy
  • Bachelor's projects BA Business Administration (SOC)
  • Support to the director of studies, Oecon
  • Language revision

Study administration:

  • HA/BScB Economics
  • HD-Business, 2nd part - ECON courses
  • MBA - ECON courses
  • Support to the director of studies, HA/BSc
  • Instructor hiring - HA/BSc
  • Language revision

Study administration:

  • MSc Economics (Oecon)
  • Support to the director of studies, Oecon
  • Language revision