DGPE PhD course: Topics in the Applied Econometrics of Program Evaluation

13-15 September 2022. Lecturer: Jeffrey A. Smith

Info about event


Tuesday 13 September 2022, at 12:00 - Thursday 15 September 2022, at 13:00


Sandbjerg Manor, Sønderborg

About the course: This course considers three important topics in the applied econometrics of program evaluation that many standard textbooks omit or do not engage with in depth. The first topic concerns treatment effect heterogeneity, where it comes from, how to bound the extent of it, and how to associate it with observed variables. The second topic concerns strategies for justifying conditional independence assumptions in program evaluation. The third topic concerns the use of experiments as benchmarks against which to judge the performance of non-experimental evaluation strategies. This last topic includes the literature, much of it outside of economics, on so-called “within-study” designs.

Lecturer: Professor Jeffrey A. Smith, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. 

The course is equivalent to 2 ECTS. For students at ECON, the course has been pre-approved as an internal BSS PhD course.

For more information: https://econ.au.dk/research/other-research-entities/nordic-econometric-network

Registration deadline: August 15th at 22:00
PhD course fee: 0 DKK

Lars Skipper, lskipper@econ.au.dk 
Henning Bunzel, hbunzel@econ.au.dk

Administrative: Kirsten Stentoft, kstentoft@econ.au.dk