
PhD defence: Shohre Zehtabian

Topic: Service quality, consistency, and equity in selected vehicle routing problems

Info about event


Friday 14 April 2023,  at 13:00 - 16:00


Fuglesangs Allé 4, 8210 Aarhus V, auditorium 2626-111 (Harvard)

Shohre Zehtabian will defend her PhD dissertation entitled Service Quality, Consistency, and Equity in Select Vehicle Routing Problems. She has been enrolled in the PhD programme in Economics and Business Economics, supervised by Professor Sanne Wøhlk and Professor Christian Larsen.

The dissertation can be downloaded from Shohre Zehtabian's profile prior to the defence.

The assessment committee:

  • Professor Lars Relund Nielsen, Aarhus BSS (chair)
  • Associate Professor Julia Pahl, University of Southern Denmark
  • Associate Professor Remy Spliet, Erasmus University Rotterdam

The defence is public and open to all. The department will host a reception after the defence in building 2632(L), room 242.

Susanne Christensen
PhD Secretary
Phone: +45 8716 5121
E-mail: sch@econ.au.dk