
PhD defence: Morten Lund Poulsen

Topic: When incentive systems meet educational practices: Reactions to performance funding in Danish basic education

Info about event


Tuesday 7 June 2022,  at 15:30 - 18:00


Fuglesangs Allé 4, 8210 Aarhus V, auditorium 2624-E2

Morten Lund Poulsen will defend his PhD dissertation entitled Essays on Performance Funding and Intentions, Interpretations, Actions, and Consequences in Danish Basic Education. He has been enrolled in the PhD programme in Economics and Business Economics, supervised by Associate Professor Karina Skovvang Christensen and Professor Niels Peter Mols.

The dissertation can be downloaded from Morten Lund Poulsen's profile.

The assessment committee:

  • Associate Professor Margit Malmmose (chair), BSS
  • Professor Hans Englund, Örebro Universitet
  • Associate Professor Allan Hansen, CBS

The defence is public and open to all. The department will host a reception after the defence in building 2632, room L242.

Susanne Christensen
PhD Secretary
E-mail: sch@econ.au.dk