
PhD defence: Johan Bjerre Bach Clausen

Topic: Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics In Operations Management: Using Big Data And Machine Learning

Info about event


Friday 18 November 2022,  at 13:00 - 16:00


Fuglesangs Allé 4, 8210 Aarhus V, room 2636-U30

Johan Bjerre Bach Clausen will defend his PhD dissertation entitled Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics In Operations Management: Using Big Data And Machine Learning. He has been enrolled in the PhD programme in Economics and Business Economics, supervised by Associate Professor Hongyan Jenny Li and Associate Professor Allan Würtz.

The dissertation can be downloaded from Johan Bjerre Bach Clausen's profile.

The assessment committee:

  • Associate Professor Hartanto Wijaya Wong (chair), BSS
  • Professor Pierre Pinson, Imperial College London
  • Senior Lecturer Dong Li, Loughborough University

The defence is public and open to all. The department will host a reception after the defence in building 2632, room L242.

Susanne Christensen
PhD Secretary
E-mail: sch@econ.au.dk