Operations and Supply Chain Day

Operations and Supply Chain Day is an annual event organized by the Department of Economics and Business Economics in collaboration with the Danish Operations Research Society (DORS).

Students in the master program in Operations and Supply Chain Analytics (cand.merc.) and students in related specializations get the opportunity to listen to a series of seminars by professionals from various industries and to get an insight into how companies apply operations research in their operations/business.

The target audience of the Operations and Supply Chain Day is students, researchers, professionals and policy makers interested in supply chain management.

The OSC-day is hosted by the Department of Economics and Business Economics at Aarhus University and sponsored by DORS.

OSC-day 3 October 2024: Analytics in action: Making better decisions


8.30 Registration, coffee/tea, and croissants

Mette Meyer Jensen (Supply Chain Manager, Salling Group)

Malte Bjerg Vittrup (CEO & Founder, Hakio)

Karsten Young Andersen (Head of Data, Frey Commodities)

Tue Rauff Lind Christensen (Decision Scientist, Qampo)

12.30 Sandwiches and cake