Sune Lauth Gadegaard is Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University, within the fields of operations research, supply chain and operations management, and optimization. He holds a PhD-degree in Economics and Business Economics from Aarhus University (2016). Sune has a bagground in mathematics-economics (cand.scient.oecon, 2013) and mathematics (bsc.math, 2010) from the Department of Mathematics, Aarhus University.
More information can be fond at Sunes <a href="">personal website
Sune's main focus is on the development of algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems. His focus has been on location problems, routing problems and scheduling problems. In addition, Sune works on algorithms for specific as well as general multi-objective optimization problems.
Currently, Sune has the following teaching activities
Modelling within Prescriptive Analytics
Large scale optimization
Sune's primary responsibilities encompass research, the supervision of PhD-students, teaching across various study programs, and the supervision of master's and bachelor theses.
Furthermore, Sune serves as the Line Coordinator for the cand.merc. program in Operations and Supply Chain Analytics. Additionally, he is a member of the local liaison committe.