Michael Johannes Koch


Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Michael Johannes Koch CV

Areas of expertise

  • International Economics
  • Industrial Organization
  • Labor Markets
  • Inequality
  • Technological Change

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


I am doing theoretical and empirical research in international economics and labor economics. In particular, I investigate the impact of globalization and/or automation on individual workers, firm performance and their internal organization, and aggregate implications, e.g. welfare and economy wide inequality.

Teaching activities

I currently teach Macroeconomics for Bachelor students. Beside that I have experience in teaching courses for BA and MA students in international trade and (international) macroeconomics, labor economics and different topics (e.g. refugee migration) through seminars. 

Moreover, I supervise students at all levels, including PhD, on topics in International Economics and Labor Economics.

Job responsibilities

Teaching Coordinator at the Economics Section (together with Nicola Maaser)

Program Coordinator of the MA program International Economic Consulting (IEC)

Organizer of Economics Section Seminar (together with Timo Hener)

Selected publications

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