Philipp Schröder chair of new green expert group
The Ministry of Higher Education and Science has appointed professor of economics Philipp Schröder from Aarhus BSS as the chair of a new green expert group. The experts will assess the effect of research and innovation on technologies which can reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. This is an important step towards achieving Denmark’s climate goals.

“It is an important task, and it is a pleasure that we are asked to contribute with socio-economic insights and mechanisms,” says professor of economics Philipp Schröder from Aarhus BSS on being appointed chair of the new expert group, established by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science.
Besides Philipp Schröder, the members of the Expert group on the effect of research on the green transition (in Danish: Ekspertgruppe om forskningens betydning for den grønne omstilling) are professor Mette Termansen and professor Teis Hansen, both from the University of Copenhagen. The expert group is to evaluate and develop instruments of governance for the public research initiatives to promote Denmark’s climate goals. This work will continue for two years.
"Research and knowledge can solve some of the biggest challenges of our time, including climate challenges. But in order to realise their full potential, we need the right framework and priorities. The work of the expert group will thus provide an important basis for future political decisions,” says Philipp Schröder.
Denmark’s climate goals consist of reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases with 70 per cent before 2030 (compared to 1990 levels) and achieving climate neutrality before 2050.