Distinguished Speaker Seminar: Jeffrey A. Smith, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title: Reflections on the History of Applied Econometric Thought
Info about event
Fuglesangs Allé 4, 8210 Aarhus V, building 2626(G), Harvard Auditorium

Speaker: Professor Jeffrey A. Smith, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title: Reflections on the History of Applied Econometric Thought
Jeffrey A. Smith is the Paul T. Heyne Distinguished Chair in Economics and the Richard Meese Chair in Applied Econometrics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Professor Smith is a world-renowned economist who has made important scientific contributions to the fields of labor economics and applied microeconometrics. He is particularly well known for his work that evaluates programs targeted the unemployed.
His research is published in the very best journals within economics, including the American Economic Review, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, and Econometrica.
He has received numerous awards and has held editorial positions at key journals within the field.
For further information, please contact Professor Marianne Simonsen, Tel: 87165556, msimonsen@econ.au.dk