Distinguished Speaker Seminar: Anna Mikusheva, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Title: Weak Identification with Many Instruments
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Fuglesangs Allé 4, 8210 Aarhus V, building 2624, E2

Speaker: Professor Anna Mikusheva, MIT
Title: Weak Identification with Many Instruments (with Liyang Sun, UCL)
Anna Mikusheva is Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Professor Mikusheva’s research aims to create new econometric procedures that work in a robust way when standard asymptotic approaches fail. She is interested in settings and applications with many instruments, many regressors and weak identification. She also wrote extensively about inference for persistent (unit root) data in time series macro applications. Professor Mikusheva holds a PhD in Economics from Harvard University and a PhD in Mathematics from Moscow State University.
Professor Mikusheva was the recipient of the 2012 Elaine Bennett Research Prize, awarded by the American Economic Association. She is a Fellow of Econometric Society, and a Sloan Research Fellow (2013-2015). Professor Mikusheva has multiple teaching and mentoring awards, the most recent of which are the 2021 Best Teacher and Best Adviser awards by the MIT Graduate Economics Association. Professor Mikusheva is currently a co-editor of Econometric Theory, associate editor of Econometrica and Quantitative Economics, and foreign editor of the Review of Economic Studies.
For further information, please contact Associate Professor Mikkel Sølvsten, miso@econ.au.dk