Eleventh Danish International Economics Workshop

The Eleventh Danish International Economics Workshop is held in Aarhus, April 16th-17th, 2015. It will take place at hotel Scandic Aarhus City, Østergade 10, 8000 Aarhus C.

The workshop is funded by Tuborgfondet (the Tuborg Foundation) and hosted by The Tuborg Research Centre for Globalization and Firms.

Professor Peter Neary presents the keynote paper and comments on the other papers presented at the workshop. Peter Neary is Professor of Economics at Oxford University and a Professorial Fellow of Merton College. He has also held full-time positions at Trinity College Dublin and at University College Dublin where he was Professor of Political Economy from 1980 to 2006. He is currently on full-time research leave, funded by an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council. His main research field is international trade theory, where he has worked on short- to long-run adjustment, the economics of resource-rich economies (especially the "Dutch Disease"), trade and industrial policy, and the implications of imperfect competition (especially oligopoly) for trade and globalisation, among other topics. He has also written on consumer theory (including rationing and index numbers), industrial organisation (including the economics of research and development), and macroeconomics (including international macro theory and Irish economic policy).

The core program of the workshop runs from Thursday April 16th around 10:00 until Friday April 17th late afternoon.

Call for papers


List of participants