Aarhus University Seal

Research areas

The economics of the green transition and the environment

The Economics of the Green Transition and the Environment focuses on the economic aspects of climate change, the green energy transition, and related environmental issues. This research analyses the interplay between climate change and the economy, and pathways to achieve a transition to clean energy production. Additionally, it investigates the impact of environmental pollution on socio-economic outcomes such as health, education, and crime as well as the local negative externalities implied by renewable energy production.

Keywords: Climate Change; Integrated Assessment Models; Green Energy Transition; Intergenerational Sustainability; Air Pollution; Health Impacts; Renewable Energy; Externalities

Energy and climate finance

Energy and Climate Finance examines the financial impacts of transitioning to a low-carbon economy on asset prices, firms, and markets. The field studies how the move to sustainable energy sources and the growing focus on climate risk impacts asset values, investment allocations, and corporate decisions. In addition, we focus on how investors price climate-related risks and evaluate the financial consequences of environmental policies and physical climate change.  A significant area of interest is understanding energy markets and contracts, including their role in facilitating the green transition. By exploring these topics, CoRE aims to provide valuable insight that can support informed financial decision-making and promote a sustainable future. 

Keywords: Climate change; energy markets; asset pricing; corporate finance; quantitative finance; sustainability; ESG; climate policies and regulation; institutional investors

Logistics and the green transition

To appear

Main topics

Climate econometrics

Climate econometrics investigates the statistical connections between macroeconomic and climate data, focusing on understanding the causal link between economic activity and climate dynamics, as well as the macroeconomic consequences of climate change. We employ econometric methods to address climate physics problems, integrating insights from various disciplines and fostering an interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving. By utilising a wide range of data sources, we strive to deepen our knowledge and contribute to this vital and complex field.

KeywordsClimate data and models; emissions modeling and forecasting; green transition

Quantitative methods and econometric methodology

In econometrics methods our research develops quantitative tools to analyse complex economic data, with a focus on cutting-edge areas such as causal inference, big-data and high-dimensional models, and robust methods for time series and panel data models. We strive to develop innovative and rigorous methodologies that address real-world challenges in economics and related fields including  financial and energy econometrics.

Main topicsBootstrap methods; cluster-robust inference; high-dimensional models; machine learning; nonparametric statistics


Allan Timmermann

International Fellow