Aarhus University Seal

PhD defence: Jingying Zhou Lykke

Topic: State space modeling of climate change and the economy: Reconciling process-based and semi-empirical sea level projections

Info about event


Thursday 22 August 2024,  at 13:00 - 16:00


Fuglesangs Allé 4, 8210 Aarhus V, auditorium 2624-E2

Jingying Zhou Lykke (Econometrics and Business Analytics section section) will defend her PhD dissertation entitled State Space Modeling of Climate Change and the Economy. She has been enrolled in the PhD programme in Economics and Business Economics, supervised by Professor Eric Hillebrand and Associate Professor Mikkel Bennedsen.

The dissertation can be downloaded from Jingying Zhou Lykke's profile prior to the defence.

The assessment committee:

  • Professor Bent Jesper Christensen, Aarhus BSS (chair)
  • Professor David Stephenson, University of Exeter, UK
  • Associate Professor Thomas Leirvik, Nord University Business School, Norway

The defence is public and open to all. The department will host a reception after the defence in building 2632(L), room 242.

Susanne Christensen
PhD Secretary
E-mail: sch@econ.au.dk