CORAL Seminar: Charles Møller, AU

Title: Industry of the future - challenges and potentials

Info about event


Wednesday 21 February 2024,  at 14:30 - 15:30


Fuglesangs Allé 4, Building 2621 (B), Room 122

Speaker: Charles Møller, Professor, Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing, Aarhus University

Title: Industry of the future - challenges and potentials

Abstract: Is the industry of the future green, and will technology or something else be decisive for the ability to compete? This presentation investigates the Danish industry's challenges and dilemmas and outlines possible solutions. 

Danish industry faces the transition from classical linear supply chains to more circular and sustainable models, in which growth is decoupled from increases in emissions, pollution, and consumption. Consequently, companies need data and analytical methods to resolve these challenges, and this transformation is a big challenge. This presentation provides an overview of the existing research and discusses potential future research.

Coordinators: Sanne Wøhlk and Marcel Turkensteen