Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)

Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)

WRDS is an internet based service, allowing users access to several databases. The database is for example very useful for finding high-frequency data and financial statements. Note that Aarhus University holds a subscription to a selection of the available databases.

Click here to see the contents of the database

WRDS can be accessed at https://wrds-www.wharton.upenn.edu/

There are two ways to access WRDS:

1)      1-3 days access: if you simply need to use WRDS for a short period of time, you can create a temporary account. This is the fastest and most efficient way to gain access. Simply go to the link below and use your post.au.dk mail to register. You will then receive further details in your inbox. Note that you need to use your study ID and not your AU ID. We recommend that you try sending yourself a test mail to ensure tat your mail account is currently activated.


Long-term access: if you need a more permanent account for WRDS, go to the link below and type in the details. As for account-type, choose "Faculty", "Ph.D.", “Students (Masters/Undergrad)”.