Daisuke Adachi



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Daisuke's research areas are international trade and labor economics, specifically automation, globalization, and employment. His recent work uncovers the role of industrial robots in displacing and complementing workers in different occupations. Daisuke has recently become interested in the role of adult education in mitigating the negative impact of automation and offshoring.

More details about his teaching can be found on his personal website (https://daisukeadachi.github.io/research.html).


Daisuke has taught master-level labor economics (5 ECTS), international economics  (10 ECTS, macro and trade), and bachelor-level labor economics (5 ECTS) and international trade (5 ECTS). In addition, Daisuke has undertaken supervision of master theses and topic reports. 

More details about his teaching can be found on his personal website (https://daisukeadachi.github.io/teaching.html).

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